The Young Nation Builders and Dowell Lucun Technology Join Hands to Promote the "Nation Strengthening 2049 Transmission Project"

2023-12-14 16:00:56 DOWELL 36

On December 14, 2023, Qiangguo Shaonian (Yunnan) Technology Co., Ltd. and Dowell Lucun Technology (Yunnan) Co., Ltd. signed the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement for the Construction Project of the Qiangguo 2049 Inheritance Project" in Kunming. The goal of this cooperation is to build a sustainable development partnership and jointly construct an "Patriotic Inheritance Platform." Through a combination of online and offline efforts, they will carry out legal publicity of patriotism education laws, patriotism education, inheritance practices, and research and study activity services to promote patriotism education in the new era, inherit and promote the spirit of patriotism, and unite the powerful force for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Qiangguo Shaonian (Yunnan) Technology Co., Ltd., a technological platform institution under the Xinzhou City 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army Northwestern Shanxi Anti-Japanese War Research Association, aims to explore the relics and descendants of the Eighth Route Army's Anti-Japanese War, collect historical relics of the war, rescue war sites and heritage, and promote revolutionary traditions and patriotism education. Dowell Lucun Technology (Yunnan) Co., Ltd., a holding company of Shanghai Dowell Group, possesses a strong technical team and extensive industry experience, with its main businesses covering smart campuses, smart healthcare, smart elderly care, and other fields. This signing not only marks the deep cooperation between the two companies in the field of patriotism education, but also opens up new ideas for promoting the development of patriotism education in the new era. At the signing ceremony, representatives of the two companies expressed that they will go all out to promote the smooth progress of the project, jointly build an influential "Patriotic Inheritance Platform," and contribute their strength to the cause of patriotism education, inheriting and promoting the spirit of patriotism, and cultivating strong young nation builders in the new era.


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